E-mail register plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Kanchan, Feb 16, 2018.

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    Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Minecraft version: 1.12.2

    Suggested name: EmailRegisterPlus

    What I want: Please make one like this.

    When I'd like it by:
    March 1st.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Kanchan Please edit your post to have all details in the post itself, please don't refer to a plugin page or server.
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    Sorry for my mistake.
    What I want:1.A player types ā€œ/register [email protected]
    2.Server sends a confirmation e-mail to [email protected](code: abc123)
    3.A player see the mail and type in game, ā€œ/register confirm abc123ā€.
    4.The e-mail address will be saved to a database with their UUID for later access for newsletters and so on.
    5. Server run a command to give items or money as a reward to them. That command is configurable via config file.

    Players can reset and reregister their e-mail anytime, but the items or money will be given to them only the first time of their registration.
    If they couldn't get items, they can claim the reward by typing /register claim. Players can use this only once after their registration.

    When Iā€™d like it by:April 11th
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    I like this idea and have some other ideas that could be added as well. I'm going to work on this.
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    @Kanchan just keep in mind that email adresses count as personal information. So every person can demand from you to delete it from the database. If you are not able to delete it you can be sued.
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