Edit player Name Tags for 1.12.2

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by nathanthesnooper, Dec 10, 2017.

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  1. I know this question has been asked like 10000 times, but all of them use API's that are broken for 1.12.2. Is there an API that works for 1.12.2? (Talking about the Name Plates above a player's head)

    All help is appreciated!

    I have tried:
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
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  3. @Zombie_Striker Thanks, that works. Is it possible to implement that with scoreboards? The prefix/colour is not showing if I have a custom nametag

    Basically, my situation is that I want people to be able to nick to a, for example, a VIP and their name tag will be [VIP] whoever they discuised as. (I want it to work for names about 16 chars, like nathanthesnooper for example)
  4. @nathanthesnooper
    I'm the author of NameTagChanger, and I can tell you that it should be accounted for. I did however realize that there were some slight bugs with my implementation using ProtocolLib. I have fixed these issues, so please redownload the library and see if you can get it working.
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