
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by zKiller171, Sep 7, 2017.

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  1. Offline


    Hello, i'm looking for a scoreboard with displayname (Name of the server in top), Kills, Deaths. How can i do that?
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  3. Offline


    I need own player's kill and death
  4. Offline


    What I do suggest is using a config to make the scoreboard.
    You want something like:
    - Server Name-
    - Kills: -
    - # of kills - OR - Kills: # of kills -
    - Deaths: -
    - # of deaths - OR - Deaths: # of deaths -

    If so, first you would have to do a PlayerKillEvent and every time they get a kill you add one to the config. Same for the Deaths just using a PlayerDeathEvent.
    Then you would need a runnable that would update that scoreboard every 3 seconds or so (depending on how much ram you have), and that should complete your scoreboard.
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