Solved Shrinking Particle Circle

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ollinator01, Dec 12, 2016.

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    anyone knows how i can display an circle that can spawn with specific radius and shrinks into the feed of the player.

    If i use this code:
    t += Math.PI/16;
                        double x = 1.5*Math.sin(t);
                        double y = 0;
                        double z = 1.5*Math.cos(t);
  2. Hey.

    What do you mean by 'the feed of the player'?
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    I think it starts big and slowly decreases as it moves to the center of the player. "Feed"
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    I Al Istannen

    Maybe dampening the radius in each iteration?
    cos(theta) * Math.exp(-0.1 * time) * initialRadius
    -0.1 is some random value, you need to adjust it to fit your needs.
    We didn't have 'e' at school yet (next topic actually), but it seems like a shorthand for an exponential function for now.
    That will cause it to exponentially shrink (from 1 to nearly 0), so the schrinkage will get slower and slower.

    If you want a linear schrinkage, just subtract your desired linear function:
    cos(theta) * initialRadius - 0.5 * time
    This will subtract "0.5" times the "time" from the radius, which lets it shrink by a constant amount per "time".
    You can change 0.5 to whatever you please, or substitute it for any equation.

    I think that will work, but I haven't tested it.
    ollinator01 likes this.
  6. I would explain how to do it not using sin and cos but eh whatever, I suppose it's not needed.
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    @Sulphate, lol. Unless you like boxes, you've got to use some trig.
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    Yep, @I Al Istannen it works fine!
    Thanks all of you for the help, have a nice day.
  9. @Tecno_Wizard I was gonna go down the path of the equation of a circle, but meh :p
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    The equations that describe a circle in Euclidean geometry are derived from Sine and Cosine, so I'm not sure what difference it makes. It's simpler to express it this way.
  11. Yeah I know I'm just stupid and excessively complicated ;)
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