Removing items from ground

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ThrustLP, Jul 8, 2016.

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    Hey guys! So with a command /rem I remove all items that are currently on the ground. I am getting all entitys on the ground an then (if they are Instanceof Item) i remove them. That works perfectly BUT Items that are dropped after a players death stay on the ground. So how can I remove the items a player dropped with a command?

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    publicvoid onPlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEvent event){
               for(ItemStack i : event.getDrops()){
    That might be working . I don't have Test it ...
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    @Kariyaki_LP Yes, but I do not want to remove them right after the players death, I want to remove them with a command.
  4. @Kariyaki_LP Please don't spoonfeed, especially since there is no need to even do a for loop there.
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    Make a command, then get all near entities within a set radius, let's say 5. Then you do player#getnearbyentities(5, 5, 5)
    then check if its an itemdrop and if it is, e.remove() it
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