Filled shop plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Assasinsheep, May 4, 2016.

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    Hello I am looking for anyone who is interested in making the following plugin.

    What this plugin is and what its useful for

    to begin with this plugin is a plugin where players can create shops. How it works is when a player types /createplayershop it will create a shop for the specific player {costing a configurable amount of money} once the shop is made if anyone wants to go to the players shop they just type /shop {and the username it was made with}

    -shop protection when a shop is created by a player it will turn the block he is standing on into gold from where that gold is 5 blocks out on each side will be protected from everyone except ops.

    How to edit the shops

    now as you may think 5 blocks from each side is not very much protection so there is a feature where you can edit the shop.

    when a player types /shop edit it will open a menu like this


    The sign: when a player chooses to click on the sign it will exit the menu and ask them to set a welcome message to do this they simply just type what they what in chat or to exit just say {exit welcomemessage} once the message is set anyone who enters the shop will get this message {the message will support color codes}

    The chest: when a player chooses the chest it will tell them a configurable description in chat of what it does {since its confirgurable it can be set to anything} and a choice if they wish to purchase the following item. If they click yes it will take the configured amount of money away from the player. After they purchased the chest the store owner will be able to put items in a chest to tell the server value of the following item. So if I put in a diamond sword in the virtual chest and close the gui in chat it would say the "item name" is worth "the essentials plugin set value of the item" &4sell items?" if for some reason the item has a custom name the message would change and say this { this item has a custom name and is not in the config therefor it has higher value or no value at all. {note custom named items will not sell in the chest} feature 2. after the user puts items in the chest the user can choose to sell the items for the selected value or leave it the user can sell the items by clicking on sell items? only if the items are in the chest if nothing is in the chest nothing happens.

    The gold block: this isn't there but in the middle there should be a gold block. If A player clicks it it will just reset the spawn of where the shop is. {to prevent spam the player can do this once only every 2 minutes

    The slab: this is used to upgrade the protection range to 12 blocks {the price is configurable} and the message is aswell. its similar to the chest since the player must agree to proceed

    "the Barrier": the barrier indicates the shop is closed meening noone can enter the shop if anyone is in the shop it will tp them to spawn. To represent this the barrier will say &4Closed with the lore: &4the shop is currently closed

    to allow players to enter the person must click it when they do this it will turn into green wool {saying: &ashop is openLore: &2the shop is currently open} there is a cooldown to prevent spam {cooldown is 30 seconds

    Advertising a shop

    in order to advertise a shop the shopowner must upgrade there edit menu

    to do this the shopowner must use the command /shop menu upgrade once that command is run this will happen

    the green wool is if the user wants to upgrade they click it

    the red wool is for if they decline the upgrade

    the middle {coin} shows how much it costs by hovering over it. The price for this is configurable

    after the purchase is complete the menu will look more like this

    The page will allow the user to advertise there shop {when clicking on the paper it will cost a configurable amount of money} once its payed for any player that types /playershops will be able to view the shop in playershops section this is basically a giant menu that shows a grass block with the shopowners name when a player clicks on it it tps them to that shop

    -when the shop menu is upgraded the user can upgrade there protection to 24 blocks then to 32 blocks at the max. Both prices are configurable aswell.

    - editing the shop icon so its not a grass block

    to change it the player must type /playershop advertise icon change {either grass, diamondblock, goldblock, pigegg, glass, beacon or a diamond sword}
    after this if they exit the menu and open it it will change the icon

    -Limit for advertising {the max amount of time for advertising is 1 hour after that the player can not advertise the shop for 3 hours

    Public shop

    this is probably the shortest thing here anyways all it is you type /setshop and players can tp to it using /shop. The protection is 50 blocks and there is a menu with it the only difference is is there is no gold block and the protection can be changed to any amount of blocks this works by clicking on the slab and entering the number of blocks wanted to be protected in chat
    Extra commands no permissions

    /shop friend {username} allows you to add a friend to your shop {friends cannot edit the shop protection by breaking/placing blocks in the protected zone {no permission required just a shop}

    /shop closefriend {username} same as friend just adds permissions to edit the gui {cannot purchase anything in the gui} no permission required

    /shop disband {removes your shop} no permission required

    /shop removefriend {username} removes your friend

    /shop friendlist displays in chat your shop friends name

    Staff commands

    now to prevent people that like breaking the rules there are some commands I have thought of to deal with them

    some of the commands are

    /playershop suspend {username} {message} what this does is it closes the shop deletes it from advertising and prevents it from opening when a player tries to open there shop it will say the message the staff member put. shortcut to the command is /ps s {username} for using longer messages

    once a shop is suspended noone can enter and nothing can be edited.

    /playershop warn {username} {warning} {time} this will shut down the shop for the chosen time {same as the suspension} onlydifference is after the time it will be able to be used again

    sadly if a person has a warning anyone that enters will recieve the following message

    &4this shop has been warned before please contact staff if something is not right for 40 days then it will remove itself

    /playershop clearwarns {shopname} this will clear the warning and the message

    Permissions for commands

    /playershops playershops.playershops

    /createplayershop playershops.create

    /shop edit playershops.edit
    /shop close playershops.close

    /shop open

    /playershop advertise icon change playershops.adverise.icon.change

    Playershop Staff permissions

    /playershop suspend playershops.suspend

    /playershop close playershops.close.others

    /playershop warn playershops.warn

    /playershop clearwarns playershop.clear.warn

    Public Shop permissions

    /shop edit publicshop.edit

    BYpasses bypass the bank payment

    playershops.bypass.payment.expand bypass the payment for expanding

    playershops.bypass.payment.upgrade bypass the payment for upgrading the menu

    playershops.bypass.payment.advertise bypass the payment for advertising

    playershops.bypass.cooldown.advertise no cooldown for advertisement

    playershops.bypass.maxshop allows infinite shops with /shop edit {number} to go to the shop you use /shop playername{number} bypass the wait for players to give .5

    playershops.bypass.allupgrades cheats you every upgrade possible including the 50 block protection from the public shop

    NOTICE this thread was previously made before however the thread was locked due to inactivity of nobody saying anything for months so I decided to copy and edit the thread by remaking it better by adding new features The previous thread was also made by me before so I am not stealing anyone's ideas
    Last edited: May 4, 2016
  2. Offline


    @Assasinsheep I really like this idea, seems pretty cool. I can make it. It would be easier if you installed WorldGuard beforehand, though, so my plugin could just use its region protection systems. You'd also have to tell me what economy plugin you use.
    Last edited: May 5, 2016
  3. Offline


    @htmlman1 why dont you just use vault, its the best if anybody should be able to use this plugin.
  4. Offline


    It will use the essentials plugin for the value of the items and players can use the plugin chest shop to sell items in there shop

    Essentials and vault I guess because I am getting a new server next month and it will have essentials and vault installed on it

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2016
  5. Offline


    Okay, Vault it is. In that case, just keep in mind that this plugin will have two dependencies: WorldGuard and Vault.

    By the way, would you mind if I published this plugin as a separate page on BukkitDev? I'd make sure to credit you for the idea, of course.
    Assasinsheep likes this.
  6. Offline


    No I wouldn't mind it's up to you just make sure it's for 1.9 and post a link if possible ☺when done of course thanks
  7. Offline


    are you still making this plugin?
  8. Offline



    Yeah, I am. It's just that it's a rather large and complex request, so there's a lot to do in terms of coding and debugging. Sorry for the delay.
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  9. Offline


    @htmlman1 how is the plugin going so far? :)
  10. Offline


    im sure he gave up :p
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