BitCoin plugin (BorrieCoin)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by prinsjerre, Apr 28, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Roleplay

    Suggested name: BorrieCoin

    What I want: I'd like a plugin that allows you to buy / win (bit) coins

    Ideas for commands:
    /borriecoin player: look howmuch coins a player haves

    /borriecoin remove 8* player: Removes 8 coins from a player in the message you can see at the second line howmuch coins the player haves after (&9Hij heeft er nu nog 1* over)

    /borriecoin add 8* player: Adds 8 coins to a player

    /borriecoin player:
    &9*player* heeft op dit moment 8* borriecoins

    /borriecoin remove 8* player:
    &9Je hebt 8* coins van *player* afgehaald
    &9Hij heeft er nu nog 1* over

    /borriecoin add 8* player:
    &9Je hebt 8* coins aan *player* toegevoegd

    Ideas for permissions:
    borriecoin.look (normal players can't look howmany coins other players have)

    When I'd like it by: Yesterday.

    * = Sample
    (Plugin is in Dutch)
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    1. please write your request in english.
    2. This is just an economy plugin, there are thousands out there. Or did i miss something?
    Fluxanoia likes this.
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    @Lordloss The parts that are in Dutch are the messages that will be sent to the server; he doesn't want there to be English messages on his Dutch server, or the players won't be able to read them. A better solution would be to have configurable messages.
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    @prinsjerre You are asking for an economy plugin?
    Also if you are searching for a plugin with dutch messages you can configure the message in the config of almost every eco plugin (I think).
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