Bukkit, mods, servers, questions?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by RowanWolf22, Apr 18, 2016.

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    So the link above shows a popular minecraft roleplayer, Aphmau. And I got inspiration from her to have my own little private server for my friends and I, where we can build of course, play hide and seek, do prop hunts etc- But.

    As far as I know, Forge and Bukkit is not compatible, correct? So one cannot use the mods for forge on a bukkit server. Meaning that you need to have plugins etc.

    But on a LOT of Aphmau's videos, you can see the mix of a bukkit server and a lot of incredibly popular forge mods- for furniture, food, items, etc etc. How does that work? How can I replicate it, and make it work on my own server? I'd honestly want spice up the game for my friends and I so that we can use all sorts of fun mods while still being able to use the functions of Bukkit. And surely it's possible because Aphmau does this, as well as ItsFunneh-.

    I also use a hosted server site, MCProhosting, as I find it to be one of the most reliable things for a small server for up to 12 people, if you understand what I mean? I'm not looking for anything expensive and I kinda know how to use MCProhosting so..

    Also, another question, if this is possible, does it mean that only the server has to have these plugins/mods/etc in this specific situation? Because I find the problem with forge that all my friends have to install all these mods so that they can also play the game, and it's so frustrating for them to have to install another mod every time I update the game and add something new :/ So is there a way around that?

    But basically, i just want to find out how I can make mods (or mods turned into plugins? is that a thing?) work onto a server so that all my friends can play with me without any problems. Plus it'd be really nice to be able to use things like worldedit too, then.

    In advance, thank you for all the help! c: I appreciate it all.
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    I think the program that uses a modded version of bukkit was called cauldron and now is called sponge try that.
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