Solved setflyspeed

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Nooobui, Feb 21, 2016.

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    hello bukkit I was testing out flying stuff and noticed setFlySpeed() did not seem to change the players flight speed? Does this not work or am I using it wrong?

  2. Offline


    @Nooobui From what I remember 1 is the default fly speed, try setting it to something higher or lower.
    Nooobui likes this.
  3. Offline


    If I remember correctly, because of changes made in 1.8+ with the ability to "sprint" while flying they either removed the "flightspeed", or bukkit/spigot broke flightspeed. (Most likely in is the former)
    Nooobui likes this.
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    @Xerox262 trying to set above 1 throws a error in console it's max

    @Zombie_Striker damn ok ty for letting me know why it doesn't work

    Anyone have a idea how to to make a player fly faster w/o setFlySpeed
  5. Offline


    ((CraftPlayer)p).getHandle().abilities.flySpeed = 2F;
    Somthing like this using a players abilities c:
    Ill edit it once I get the 100% correct awnser.

    Edit: OHHH I got it right first try this works until you go at your servers max speed limit.
    Also be carful as this does not reset when the player disconnects.
    Meaning I now fly around at lightspeeds cause I'm too lazy to add 1 line of code to reset it/change it.
    Nooobui and ChipDev like this.
  6. Offline


    I think you problem is that your using a capital "F".
  7. Offline


    Using a lower case or capital F for float has nothing to do with the issue..
    I'm pretty sure 1.8+ breaks the flight speed since they implemented sprinting while flying, aka pressing CTRL when flying you go super fast...


    @Lightspeed's code works perfect :)
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    @Graffetus Whether is capital or not it doesn't matter, 1D, 1d and 1.0 are exactly the same thing.
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