
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by kristinadjor123, Dec 19, 2015.

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    Plugin category: CustomEnchants

    Suggested name: CustomEnchants2

    What I want: I'd like someone to try and make these customenchants for me

    ♦ Armor ♦
    ♦ Health Boost I (1 Extra Heart)
    ♦ Archery I (3% Extra Bow Damage)
    ♦ Fish (Unlimited Water Breathing)
    ♦ Feast (Unlimited Saturation)
    ♦ Sunlight (Unlimited Night Vision)
    ♦ Anti Fog (Immune to Blindness)
    ♦ Archery II (5% Extra Bow Damage)
    ♦ Health Boost II (2 Extra Hearts)
    ♦ Leaps I (1.5 Block Jump Boost)
    ♦ Scoot I (Speed 20% Extra)
    ♦ Blaze (Unlimited Fire Res)
    ♦ Arc (Lighting Strike On Other Player)
    ♦ Implode (2 Creeper Spawn When You Die, Or 1 SuperCharged)
    ♦ Health Boost III (3 Extra Hearts)
    ♦ Scoot III (Speed 40% Extra)
    ♦ Weary (Gives Attacker Mining Fatigue, 5% chance for 5 seconds)
    ♦ Tipsy (Gives Mining Fatigue and slowness and a chance to give Confusion)
    ♦ Reborn (Regen To FULL Health Or 75% Health When Low. 10% Chance.)
    ♦ Toughness (Armor Takes 10% less damage)
    ♦ Vanish (Gives Enemies Slowness/Blindness when near death. 15% chance if below 3 hearts)
    ♦ Retreat (When about to die. Boosts you 10 blocks in air. 15% chance if below 3 hearts)
    ♦ Bump (Chance of pushing your attacker back 3 blocks. 10% chance)
    ♦ Replenish (Gives Heart Regen Faster)

    ♦ Tools ♦
    ♦ Auto Smelt I (Gives 1 extra ingot)
    ♦ Blast (Mine 2 blocks per 1 mined)
    ♦ Haste II (Double Mining Speed)
    ♦ Obsidian Destroyer (Half The Time To Break Obsidian)
    ♦ Auto Smelt II (Gives 2 extra ingots)
    ♦ Haste III (Triples Mining Speed)
    ♦ Obsidian Destroyer II (Instantly Break Obsidian)
    ♦ Haste IV (4x Mining Speed)

    ♦ Sword ♦
    ♦ Thunderous I (Lighting Strike, Mild Damage. 5%)
    ♦ Confusion I (Gives Player Nausea for 3 seconds. 5% chance)
    ♦ Block (Blocking your sword will increase resistance 5%)
    ♦ Life (Gives half a heart every time activated - 10% chance)
    ♦ Lights Out (Blinds attacker for 3 seconds - 5% chance)
    ♦ Thunderous II (Lightning Strike, Better Than level I - 10% chance)
    ♦ Life II (Gives 1 heart every time activated - 10% chance)
    ♦ Lights Out II (Blinds attacker for 6 seconds - 10% chance)
    ♦ Soul I (Steals enemy half heart and gives it to player - 10% chance)
    ♦ Flash (Hits an enemy twice in 1 shot (10% chance)
    ♦ Sponge (Takes incoming damage and heals you - 10% chance)
    ♦ Tank (A change to give Strength III for 5 seconds (3 or 5%)
    ♦ Soul II (Steals enemy 1 heart and gives to player - 10% chance)
    ♦ Flash II (Hits an enemy twice in 1 shot - 15% chance)
    ♦ Alone (Hits an enemy twice at once. 10% chance to activate)
    ♦ Pillage (Looting IV)
    ♦ Elevation (Sends enemy flying backwards and 10 block in the air - 5% chance)

    ♦ Bow ♦
    ♦ Lightning (Strikes your enemy with lighting - 3% chance)
    ♦ Fireball I (Shoots fireball - 3% chance)
    ♦ Freeze I (Gives enemy slowness for 3 seconds - 3% chance)
    ♦ Rain II ( Rains arrows from thw sky - 5% chance)
    ♦ Lightning II (Strikes your enemy with lightning - 5% chance)
    ♦ Freeze II (Gives enemy slowness for 3 seconds - 5% chance)
    ♦ Knife (Damage directly to players hearts, ignores protection by armor - 10% chance)
    ♦ Thief (Steals heart from enemy and gives to you - 10% chance)
    ♦ Freeze III (Gives enemy slowness for 6 seconds - 10% chance)
    ♦ Fireball III (Shoots fireball, deals double damage of reg fireball - 10% chance)
    ♦ Rain III (Rains arrows from sky - 10% chance)

    Ideas for commands: Link it to customenchants

    Ideas for permissions: (customenchants permissions)

    When I'd like it by: Anytime
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    @kristinadjor123 have a question for you
    do u watch thecampingrusher?
    just looked thru some of the enchants and they are the same from the archon
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  5. I just read through them all.
    99% of them are from The Archon.
    He just wants to copy.
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