Lose Money on death

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Mustangkidz, Dec 12, 2015.

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    Is there a plugin where i can make players lose a % of their money if they die to mobs? Been searching for it and all i found are ones that make them lose money only if killed by another player and none by mobs.

    Thank you
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  3. I will create this for you. I can code it in a couple of hours, and coding it should take no more than 5 or so minutes. It will require Vault and an economy plugin connected to it. Messages and percent will be configurable.
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    @tkuiyeager1 Unless they say otherwise, you should assume that people use Vault.
  5. @pie_flavor I know. It's just that I've developed plugins for people and assume things assuming they're going to say everything they need from it, and then when I provide it they complain that they need this or that.
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