
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by greenharry, Dec 2, 2015.

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    Hello! i need a plugin that makes a playr be able to do /snowworld and the world biome will change into a snowy world biome and with snow :D permisson snowyworlds.use for all the commands
    I need this anytime before 1 week =)
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    Say I'm not even sure this would be possible
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Scimiguy @greenharry Could send fake block changes for the snow overlay, biome so it will snow instead of rain is trickier if possible (not sure)
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    I'm pretty sure he actually wants to change the world's biome generation and such too
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Scimiguy We will have to wait for an answer to that.
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    it may be possible if you let the client reload the world after the biome is changed
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    I just need it so it will snow instead of rain for a x-tmas decoration before i go over sea's @Scimiguy for the hub, but its in a normal terrain were it will not snow
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    It is, if he only wants to fall snow, instead of rain.
    World#setBiome(int x, int z)
    It would cause huge lagg to the server, if you do it that way
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    Seems he wants that + for there to be a layer of snow over everything
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Depends on how you do it.
  12. I would like a plugin similar for Christmas. I would like there to be /snow and snow would start falling in a 75 block raidus of me in that world :)
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    Can't you change the biome with WorldEdit, I believe they have an option for that if I remember correctly.
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    They do.
    It's nothing complicated, they just use the World#setBiome() method as stated above.

    The problems here though, are:
    1. This could be extremely heavy on the server for large areas.
    2. Any new chunks wouldn't be snowy
    3. If he wants snow blocks, it'd be even more insanely heavy.
    4. Reversal would be very difficult, especially in ocean/river biomes
    It's perfectly fine on a small scale, but not for a whole world
    UnseenMC likes this.
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    you can but not to a snow biome

    i dont really need it for a whole world, a w/e selection is fine :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2015
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