Filled Periodic Payment Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MrMe1003, Oct 3, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Economy

    Suggested name: Paycheck, OnlinePay

    What I want: I'd like a plugin that gave players an allowance for being logged on. Meaning, I don't want it to dole out money every 3 hours the server is up, but every time a player is logged on for 3 hours (consecutive or otherwise) that specific player gets paid, giving incentive to actually be on the server.

    Different amounts/pay periods would be able to be configured for different groups or players.

    Perhaps it could also hook into Essentials to pause counting a player's online time if they are marked AFK by it.

    I would also like if a configurable message could be displayed each time payment was issued, such as "You have received %Title compensation."

    Ideas for commands: /paycheck reload
    /paycheck create [title] [amount] [pay period (in seconds)] - creates a payment with the specified parameters.
    /paycheck delete [title] - deletes a payment. Should ask for confirmation.

    Ideas for permissions:
    Paycheck.reload - allows reloading the plugin's config.
    Paycheck.get.[check name] - allows players to receive the specified kind of periodic payment.
    Paycheck.admin - allows creating/deleting of pay checks.

    When I'd like it by: Possibly the end of the month (October).

    I plan on using this for a role-play server both as a means of regular income, and incentive for players to stay online, resulting in more opportunities for engaging RP.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
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    I'd wanna see this made
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Glad that I could help ;)
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