Why im getting error in this code ?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CrossBowerMan, Aug 22, 2015.

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    I'm creating a mini hunger games plugin but
    I get an error when creating the arena

                if (args.length == 2 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("yarat")){
                    getConfig().set("Arenas.", args[1]);
                    sender.sendMessage(prefix + ChatColor.GOLD + args[1] +ChatColor.DARK_GRAY +  "The Arena Has Been Added!");
                    return true;
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2015
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    What is your error?
  3. Offline


    Eror is arena does not creating
  4. @CrossBowerMan
    My guess would be that "Arenas." is an invalid path, and therefor it might throw an error. But YAML may have an auto-fix for it, but I'm not sure. Also, why are you saving the config twice? I recommend only calling saveConfig() in onDisable(), because each time you call saveConfig() it opens a new file stream which is not very efficient.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
    Shortninja66 likes this.
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    Is there a stacktrace?
  6. @CrossBowerMan Why do you save, set, save? Why not just set and save?
    au2001, SkyleTyler1337 and mine-care like this.
  7. But if the server crashes everything is gone..
  8. @FisheyLP
    The server shouldn't crash as long as you don't make silly mistakes or create a lag machine.
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    That's a somewhat bad way to handle saving things in the config lol. Unless you're saving something like every second, it won't be too big of a toll on the server. Also, you should always expect the unexpected. Although it's not likely, servers will still randomly crash due to multiple reasons.
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