Best command manager to use? (eg: sk89q)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Vamure, Jun 19, 2015.

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    When I say command manager, I mean the API that lets you create commands without inserting them in a plugin.yml. Preferred to have annotations like @Command.


          @Command(name = "location", aliases = { "loc" }, desc = "Shows your location", usage = "/<command>", playerOnly = true)
          public void locationCommand(CommandArgs args) {
             Player p = (Player)args.getSender();
             p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "You are in world: " + p.getWorld().getName() + " at " + p.getLocation().getBlockX() + ", " +
             p.getLocation().getBlockY() + ", " + p.getLocation().getBlockZ() + ".");
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    I'm a major fan of MondoCommand. Only issue I've had is it returns the command in chat for some reason, haven't figured that out yet. Other than that I love it. You can find it here:

    You have to register your base command in plugin.yml
    But that's only 1 command.
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    I don't recall there ever being one, but I'm pretty sure one exists. However, the simple path to making one is:
    - Create a class that extends Command and invokes a reflection method under onCommand(? I think that's the method within Command that gets called).
    - Obtain a CommandMap instance via Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager() and some reflection.
    - Find a way to iterate through all valid commands (sk89q used annotations to separate commands from non-commands). Use Class.getDeclaredMethods().
    - Register the commands via CommandMap.register()

    It's really just a bunch of reflection and hacky command registration and pretty easy to do if you know your stuff.
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    Bump! Want some other opinions
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    @Vamure I find that making my own is the best way to go.
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    Yeah, I'll have to learn reflection when I have some more free time.
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  11. @Vamure
    I'm not sure if the example you gave exists, but if it doesn't I could make an API for it, looks pretty interesting and useful. I also have experience with adding commands without adding it to the plugin.yml
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    Here are some, which aren't perfect but I did use them for a good amount of time. I'd modify them but again due to the reflection I wouldn't really know what I'm doing.
    But that would be awesome if you went and made one. <- Keeps the original CommandSender and String[] parameters when making the command which I like.
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