Little help with Broadcast message :p

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Googled, Apr 2, 2015.

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    Hey all, I've managed to change how /broadcast looks but get some strange letters before color change, here's a image of what's happening any help would be great!
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    @Googled Don't directly add the color code, use the ChatColor class instead
    mine-care likes this.
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    If we could see your code that would be extremely helpful, and yes it is probably what
    @Konato_K said.
    CodePlaysMinecraft likes this.
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    Here's the code for the message
    broadcast=§0[§4R§8ebel§4E§8mpire§0]§7 {0}
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  6. @Googled Are you doing that from a config or code? If its a config try using the & symbol instead of §
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    @Googled Do you mean you changed it with Essentials? Like are you using Essentials for the command? If so, use /u00a7<code_here> instead of §<code_here>.
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