Warn (Really simple plugin)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BoomScoom, Mar 20, 2015.

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    Hi, I am wondering if you could make a warn plugin to my specifications. If so here is what I want:
    Commands: /warn <playername> <reason>
    Permissions: admin.warn
    Messages: *When the /warn <playername> <reason> command is issued this message will show to the whole server: &c<playername> &7has been warned for &c<reason> &7If they continue their actions they will be muted.
    Player message: &7You have been warned for &c<reason> &7You will be muted if you continue.

    On there second action they will be muted for 10 minutes if they do it again when their unmuted it will be 30 min then and hour and then temporarly banned for a day and then thats it.

  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    It would be simple if you didnt have to make it muted/banned for a certain time!
  4. Offline


    Ok first thing is when it says You will be muted for 1 minute you spelt minute like this minut can you change that? And then also instead of being muted for 1 minute can you change it to 10 minutes? Other wise I like it!

    Whoops just found the config file xD But also can you change is so that when you get muted and you try to say something it will say this &7Your voice has been silenced! And then also when you get banned it says 59 minut not minute so can you change that as well. And then the last thing is, is that every 12 hours all the warnings that you have received will be reset so that If you got kicked you wouldnt be banned 12 hours later if you did something you would just be warned again and then could be muted if they continued.

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2015
  5. Offline


    @BoomScoom I didn't test but that should be good. Delete the old config, there's a new one.
    I didnt put a reset every 12 hours but a variable for choose if you wanna reset warn on server start.

    click again on the link
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Ok everything is working great! but could you add a command /warning reset which will reset all warnings for all players back to 0 thanks!
  8. Offline


    That has nothing that I want thanks anyways
  9. @BoomScoom It has warnings, you can reset warnings. It has similar messages.
  10. Invisible


    Does your plugin do that?
  11. @nverdier I believe you can configure it to do so.
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