
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by vZyptic | 編碼器, Feb 24, 2015.

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    It is basically like Essentials' spawn plugin, but instead of /spawn it's /lobby and instead of /setspawn it's /setlobby

    and a LEVEL_UP sound when you do /lobby

    And when you get teleported to the lobby i want it to say in chat:​
    §c§oTheSwift §8» §7You have been returned to the lobby.
    And when you set a lobby i want it to say​
    §c§oTheSwift §8» §7Lobby set.
    If you could make this plugin i would be really really grateful!
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
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    @vZyptic | 編碼器
    You could use a Plugin like CommandOverride for that.
    Link is in my Signature.

    - '&6prefix > &aYour message'
    - 'console:/tp <player> X Y Z'
    - 'console:/playsound <player> note.pling'
    Regablith likes this.
  3. Tried it but it says in chat "Internal error"
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  5. I don't really want to use that, i want a custom plugin:p
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Could you also tell why?
  7. Because when i make the /lobby override it conflicts with Essentials
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    @vZyptic | 編碼器
    First of all Essentials doesnt even have a /lobby command that could conflict.
    And second this Plugin is called CommandOverride for a reason, because it basically overrides everything and cannot be overriden by anything else.
    So, you got a working Plugin which fulfills your needs, so why don't you want to use it? That doesn't really make any sense, does it?
  9. No, Essentials has the TP command so when i do
      - '&c&oTheSwift &8» &7You have been returned to the lobby.'
      - console:/tp <player> -1245 35 383 
    it says "Teleporting..." in chat because of Essentials
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Essentials has a list of commands somewhere, find the TP command, put a # in front of it.
  12. @timtower I tried do it in plugin.yml and then make it a .jar file again, added it to my server but it didn't work://
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  14. Where do i do it? I've also tried in the CommandOveride section in Config.yml
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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  18. Yes, please!
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    @vZyptic | 編碼器

    List your commands and permissions again please, And then i can make it.

    Actually, I am busy, I may or may not do it, If any other devs want to they can, I will try in a few hours.
  20. /setlobby = swiftlobby.setlobby
    /lobby = noperm
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    Are you still in need of this plugin? I can do this
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