Set a block after it's broken?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DinoZauruZ, Feb 22, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    Here I am... Again!
    Sorry for all theese threads! I just tried to fix this bug and it just wont get fixed!
    I want to set a block after it's broken
        public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent e) {
            final Player p = e.getPlayer();
            Block b = e.getBlock();
            int blockbroken = config.getInt(p.getName());
            if(blockbroken == 199) {
                p.sendMessage("§b§o200 Blocks broken! Not bad!");
                final Block chest = b.getLocation().getBlock();
                config.set(p.getName(), 0);
                server.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        p.sendMessage("§cYour crate was removed! Hope you had the time to get its contents...");
                }, 20*20);
            } else {
                config.set(p.getName(), config.getInt(p.getName()) + 1);
    It's something of a crate this is not whole code, if you want whole code just ask me.
  2. Offline


    Im slightly confused, is there an error? is it just not working? what exactly is your question?
  3. Offline


    Sorry @bobthefish I was up late yesterday and that thread wasen't such clear.
    I want to set the block after it's removed by a player.
    So after the blockbreakevent is triggered and the player has broken 200 blocks then I want to set the block at the broken blocks location to a chest, then later I have an interact event that checks if the arraylist "chests" contains the chest and then it cancels the event and opens a gui with some stuff in.

    Hope that's more clearer. Oh! The error is the block is not being set to a chest, which is a huge problem in this code since that's the whole point of it :p To be even more clearer, I want to set the broken block to chest or atleast the block at the broken blocks location to a chest.
  4. Offline


    You need to save the blocks broken data as a hashmap into a yml but you should store it using a section. If you want to rollback amounts of blocks just get the data from the yml and at the location set the block back to what it was.
  5. Offline


    @MajorSkillage is that neccesary to just set the type of the block?

    I want to set the block at the broken blocks location to type chest. Is it neccesary to store them in a hashmap?
  6. Offline


    HashMap<Location, Block> you tell me.
  7. Offline


    Does the method run at all? or does it break at a certain line (are there any stacktraces you can give us?)
  8. Offline


    I think one of the problems is, you saveConfig at the bottom of it, but you never reloadConfig it, which is necessary to dump old values and swap them for the updated config.
  9. Offline


    The method runs, but the setType doesn't work :/
    Could it have something to do with plugin version and server version?
    Server 1.7.10, plugin 1.7.10
    Craftbukkit Bukkit
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