Changing to 1.8.1 help

Discussion in 'General Help' started by MANOFKRYPTON, Feb 7, 2015.

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    Problem: Everytime I try to change to 1.8.1 my essentials shuts down and I am unable to use my essentials. Also my console states something in All caps about missing blocks, and all the blocks listed are 1.8 blocks.

    Version: Spigot 1.8.0 (2014-10-01-a)

    P.S: Spigot has not helped me yet, thats why I am here, I hope the bigger playerbase of Bukkit forums may assist me.

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    there is no bukkit or spigot 1.8.1
    only spigot 1.8.0 and Bukkit 1.8.0 (through spigot buildtools)
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    Thats what I mean, when I try to update to 1.8.0 it crashes my essentials.
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    You didn't answer this question:
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