Plugin Help Essentials kits not working

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by shaggy2922, Jan 5, 2015.

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    My essentials kits aren't working, I can rename the kit but can't edit it any ideas? When I try it resets the whole config back to default! My config is below: I would like if anyone would get back to me?

    Thank you,


    Ps In the pastebin config I haven't changed the name of the kit but I have tried it
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    Add the permissions essentials.kit and if you haven't already. Does it work for other groups?
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    I don't think it works for any other groups even if it might I don't know because it resets the whole config to default if I try to edit the kits.
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    I experienced a similar issue with factions, id config it, reload the server and factions would just get set back. try restarting the server after edit or stopping it, editing and saving it than starting your server back up (if you haven't tried that already)
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    Thanks that seemed to work!
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