Make it snow in a certain area

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ErraticServers, Dec 4, 2014.

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    How could I make it snow in a certain area which I define using wold edit?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Like TimTower mentions you can and should change the biome to allow the biome to be a biome that allows snow fall by default. (Not sure if you can force snow in a non-snow biome)
    If you want just a small region in that biome to snow but not the rest you'll need to use WorldGuard regions. Make the whole snow-biome a (parent) region with snow-fall flag set to none. Then make a smaller region inside that region where you want it to snow and change that flag to snow-fall allow.
    Edit: Don't forget to set the priority of the child-region (one with snow allow) to a value higher than the parent regions priority.
    Link to WorldGuard Flags.
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    Okay thanks. Sounds complicated but thank you :)
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    I mean snow flakes falling from the sky. Not snow on the ground
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    ErraticServers Oh sorry, then yes, you should just change the biome.
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