Glorious Satchels

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by JabaJamesHD, Oct 31, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Glorious Satchels

    What I want: I'd like to see something where you are given a satchel (horse armour) and you right click it and you get a reward. There are different rarities of satchels which can all be set in the .config and you can change the name of the horse armour to like "Rare Satchel".

    You can change the chance of getting a certain item, cash etc.. in the config.

    When you open a satchel it broadcasts a message which is customisable. You can ignore it by typing /satchel stfu

    Ideas for commands: /satchel give <name> <satchel> <amount>, /satchel stfu
    Ideas for permissions: satchel.give

    When I'd like it by: tomorrow

    Don't suggest any plugins please
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    There is a plugin exactly like this why are you asking for no suggestions
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Why don't you link it then to help?
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