A few minor issues

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Corymbus, Oct 19, 2014.

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    So i am using this plugin with my server: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/arenactf/
    The code for this can be found here: https://github.com/alkarinv/ArenaCTF
    Can someone please add the following to it please:
    1) At the end of the game the server does /pay [playername] X and it says to the player &f[&biCraft&f] &6You have received X iCredits!
    To work out out x:
    for each kill you would get $10
    for capturing the flag you would get $150
    for your team winning you would get $50
    for your team losing you would get $35
    2) Make it so the only people to see these messages are the people in that world
    EG: the hub is at world: world
    CTF-01 is at world: ctf1
    CTF-02 is at world: ctf2
    Make it so people in other arenas dont see it and people in the hub dont see it

    If you do this for me i will be very grateful and i would give you our highest donor rank :)
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    Please request a move to Plugin Requests. This is not what the Plugin Development section is for.
  3. Offline


    FerusGrim Sorry i didnt know there was a plugin development or plugin request section what are those? And can someone do what he says = move to Plugin Requests
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    FerusGrim Err can someone do what he says and move it to plugin request please?
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    ichurchmax pm the developer to add those features.
  7. We can't edit existing plugins (i think)
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    Neonix Even if they are open source?
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    we wouldn't technically be allowed to do what you want us to do, because we would have to copy all of the source code, and if that was published it would be taken down for copying/stealing code.
  10. Offline


    @nico123oBut its not being published it just being used on my server>?
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    An API is Bukkit for example. Something that makes using something else easier.
    For example a way everyone can access to do something with another Plugin.
    (Might sound complicated, I am not that good in explaining...)

    For example: Factions has an API, this API allows you to easily get a Players Faction etc.
    Without the API, it would require a lot of workaround methods to accomplish this.

    An Addon is something which is baed on another Thing.
    For example my Plugin Gun Fun is an Addon for my Plugin Slimefun.

    It modifies an existing Plugin using its API.
  14. Offline


    I don't know, depends on the author.
    My Plugins always have an API.

    (Also depends on how advanced the API is ^^)

    EDIT: Ohhh seems, like it is even just and Addon for another Plugin. An Addon for an Addon ;D
    I have not seen all of the Code yet, but it seems like an Addon to execute Commands on killing/winning/... should be possible with this API.
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