what should i learn to make a plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Zrukeum, Sep 7, 2014.

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    hey I want to make some plugins but as you can obviously see my english is pretty bad and i cant learn from youtube english videos on how to make plugins
    there is arabic ( my language ) tutorials on java but not bukkit
    the problem is there is a lot of tutorials and they use weird tools that are not eclipse
    what should i exactly learn ? all i want is making minecraft plugins and no more
    and i have long free summer time that i can spend on learning
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    Zrukeum The IDE(program) they use to develop doesn't change the language, Java is Java. I recommend you watch those videos covering Java that you can understand before attempting Bukkit, but if you think you are ready to work with Bukkit, there are a number of written tutorials to start with, namely http://wiki.bukkit.org/Plugin_Tutorial.
    Gerov likes this.
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    You could also take a look at this.
    (I believe some of the resources may have options to change the language; otherwise, there are programs out there which can do that for you).
    Hope this helped,
    - Minty
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