Solved Normal Head Drops

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SkyLarkPvP, Aug 13, 2014.

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    Hey, so i'm trying to make a plugin that has a 20% chance to drop the players head on death, the problem is that it only drops a normal steve head.
    Here's my code:

    private Random rand = new Random();
    public void onKill(PlayerDeathEvent e) {
    Player killer = e.getEntity().getKiller();
    Player killed = e.getEntity();
    if(killer instanceof Player && killer !=killed && (rand.nextInt(100) < 20) ) {
    ItemStack skullitem = new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, ((short)3));
    SkullMeta skullmeta = (SkullMeta) skullitem.getItemMeta();
    skullmeta.setDisplayName(killed.getName() + "'s Head");
    World world = killed.getWorld();
    world.dropItem(killed.getLocation(), skullitem)


    and yes, i have registered the events.
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    Esophose sorry, but what do you mean by that?
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    You need to add the SkullMeta to the ItemStack like this:
    1. skullitem.setItemMeta(skullmeta);

    Place that line under
    1. skullmeta.setDisplayName(killed.getName() + "'s Head");
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    private Random rand = new Random();
    public void onKill(PlayerDeathEvent e) {
    Player killer = e.getEntity().getKiller();
    Player killed = e.getEntity();
    if(killer instanceof Player && killer !=killed && (rand.nextInt(100) < 20) ) {
    ItemStack skullitem = new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, ((short)3));
    SkullMeta skullmeta = (SkullMeta) skullitem.getItemMeta();
    skullmeta.setDisplayName(killed.getName() + "'s Head");
    World world = killed.getWorld();
    world.dropItem(killed.getLocation(), skullitem)


    In your code you set the skullmeta but you never set the skullmeta of the skullitem. to do this simply add this:


    put this line after:

    skullmeta.setDisplayName(killed.getName() + "'s Head");
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