Sign Shop

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by HDGalaxy, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Economy

    Suggested name: SignShop

    What I want: What I want is to have a Sign that starts with [Sell] on the very first line. The last second and third line will not have any text and the last line will have the name specified in this example "X" This plugin is specified for Prison Servers and what it would do is allow you to place only stacks of items into the GUI. If the player places anything lower than a stack of 64 it will say "You can only sell stacks of items" So If the player places a whole inventory full of blocks. it will sell all those blocks calculated automatically.

    Diamond blocks would go for 15 million if the player places a whole inventory, they'll recieve 540million. If they sold 6 stacks of diamond blocks they'll receive 90m

    How the sign looks:
    What it would say once you sold the stack of items specified in a config:
    How the Sign GUI Looks like:

    Configs will be able to use either the name or item ids:
    Name: X
    - 56
    - 15000000

    - 133(Emerald Block)
    - 16000000

    Ideas for commands: /SS reload

    Ideas for permissions: SignShop.use.nameofsign
    The example used: SignShop.use.X

    When I'd like it by: Really doesn't matter. As soon as possible would be nice.
  2. Offline


    Why don't you use Essentials Sign [Sell]
  3. Offline


    ya Danielh90 as a good point essentials sign is basically the same thing just less complicated
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