Help with role play classes

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by GEETAFF, Jul 29, 2014.

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    I need help on making classes, or "ranks" for a MMORPG server. I am fairly new to Bukkit development, please help ^_^
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    So I would recommend checking the BukkitWiki for getting started with bukkit programming tutorials. Then I would at least try to make a plugin on your own and when you get stuck come back and ask for help please.
  3. Offline


    I'd also recommend learning Java if you haven't yet.
  4. Offline


    Maybe i worded it wrongly. I have experience with coding. I'm asking how to create "ranks" so that if a player chooses a class, only they can use certain items such as a wand. For an example: If 2 classes have blaze rods as wands, but i want them to have a different spell than the other class, how would i seperate it. Thanks.
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    You could perhaps use per player files and store their class in their, then get the information each time they use certain items to use different spells and such
    Jalau likes this.
  6. Offline


    Exactly, and store the class required for the item in the lore... GEETAFF
    Kassestral likes this.
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    I'd recommend making a users(.yml) file and when a player selects a class store their uuid as a key in the users file then you can set info under their uuid (eg., "uuid.class" as a path to store what class they are). Then on events you can check what class they are or any other info you need from the file then do what you need/want from there.

    This is actually extremely simple, if you want personal help just pm me for my skype.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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