In-game support system: Good idea?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by aman207, Jul 6, 2014.

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    I'm experimenting with the ability for owners and administrators to send in a support ticket through Mincraft to software install on my server. Right now I am using OSticket to handle my tickets rather than bukkit or GitHub but I feel like some people think its too difficult to go to my website and submit a ticket when they could just do it in-game, where the actual problem is.

    OSticket has an API so I can submit tickets (and even an error log) through Minecraft, and it works. I however, have my doubts about using it in production. There a few issues like spam and exploitation that I don't really want to deal with. Normally to combat spam, you would issue the user a secret key and that key can be revoked in case of spam or other issues, but if I implement that into the plugin then the owner could just regenerate the config.yml (or wherever the key is stored) and just start spamming support tickets again.

    So anyways my question is, would it be worth it to put into production? Or should I just scrap the idea. Open to suggestions as well :)
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    aman207 Perhaps something to link the secret key to that server's IP, to prevent the whole "regenerate the secret key" idea?
    I also saw something similar to this, where the plugin would use Pastebin's API to automatically send stacktraces to their Pastebin, it seems like a good idea.
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    Actually I have my own version of pastebin setup on my server so owners don't have to release their information to a 3rd party. And I was thinking about doing that as well, but then I don't know if the dev bukkit staff will like me grabbing the IP and hostname of a server (since Bukkit.getIP relies on the fact that the server owner filled in the correct option in, I can't use that API call but rather have to use a Java API implementation).
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    aman207 Assuming its going to be a public plugin, It'd make sense to follow the same policy as updaters (option to disable, etc).
    I wonder if there is any API for submitting the issues to a ticket system on your plugin's bukkitdev page.
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    xTigerRebornx Of course I'll let them know what data is being submitted and how to opt-out of submitting parts of data in the ticket.

    Even if there was, I think I would stick with the one on my website. It's more secure, more private so people don't have to worry about personal information problems.
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