Player Launcher

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by anthonybob, Jun 26, 2014.

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    I need a plugin! Help?
    Hello! I'm Crazy Penguin. I am making a server. I have started work on the hub and its HUGE! So I need some ways to get around. I have seen on TheHiveMC and other networks that they have this pressure plate launcher thing? :) I really want one. I can't find one that is updated, working, configurable, and EASY! :mad: I was wondering if you Devs could help me out.
    Plugin category:
    Suggested name:
    Launcher (How original, I know right! :D)
    What I want:
    I need a plugin that whenever a player steps on a CONFIGURABLE block it launches them into the air. I need it easy,configurable, and light-weight.
    Ideas for commands:
    /setlaunchblock <BLOCKNAME OR ID>
    /launchblocklist <LIST BLOCKS THAT CAN BE SET TO LAUNCH>
    Ideas for config:
    BlockID: 70 This is what block you want the launchpad to be. Defult is 70 (stone pressure plate)
    LaunchDistance: 4 This is the launch distance. You set how far you will be launched. Defult is 4
    (Its not 4 blocks but multiplied by 4)
    Ideas for permissions:
    ( allows players to go on launch pads and be launched )
    ( allows admins to go on launch pads and be launched and allows them to create them )
    When I'd like it by:
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    It's the most advanced plugin I know how to make. So I decided to share the code with everyone :D
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    can anyone make this?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    GianlucaPMC Approval will probably take 2-5 days
    You will get a PM on DBO when the project gets approved, file will enter the cue then

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