Exp for Mining

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Kroftz_PT, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Can someone give me an updated plugin that allows me to customize the amount of exp Players receive by mining? I've searched alot and all i've found was out-dated plugins that are below 1.5
  2. Offline


    They shouldn't be broken though, even if they are outdated.
  3. Offline


    I tried atleast 3 of them, one did work but i would change the amount of exp and nothing would happen
  4. Offline


    Kroftz_PT Can you define 'mining'? Would that just be breaking a block with a pickaxe? If so, that should be easy enough to code.
  5. Offline


    Yes, and being able to set the amount of exp depending on the block(cobblestone,stone,etc
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Thanks mate
  8. Offline


    Kroftz_PT Here you go:

    You can set the amount of experience that a block will drop when mined via the config file, which includes instructions at the top of it. If you've added a block in the config and it doesn't seem to be registering, look in the server log on startup and find this list of what material types have been loaded (if it's not there, something's gone wrong ;)) :

    [20:57:41 INFO]: [MiningExp] Enabling MiningExp v1.0
    [20:57:41 INFO]: Loaded blocks are:{DIAMOND_BLOCK=10, STONE=3, DIRT=1, COBBLESTONE=2}
    Beyond that, there are no permissions or commands to worry about, but I can always add some more features if you'd like.
  9. Offline


    Thanks it works fine but is there any way to set lower values then 1? I mean, i would like Stone to give Exp but i want it to be lower then 1. I already tried 0.1 but i don't think it changed?

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