Flight Stipend

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by rayblon, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Mechanic

    Suggested name: FlightStipend

    What I want: A plugin that allows users with the proper permission to use /sfly. This is a command that allows a user to fly, but applies a time limit to the duration it can be used every day. By default, a user should only be able to fly using /sfly for thirty minutes each day. When the time expires, the user is teleported to ground level safely. PvP should be disabled, and there should be a warmup of a few seconds(during which the user is not allowed to move) when entering or exiting fly mode.

    Ideas for commands:
    /sfly - Enables stipend fly mode.

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: July 1st
  2. Offline


    Expected this request to be a bit more popular...
  3. Offline


    I can try this

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