Stopping players from moving w/o PlayerMoveEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Nachoman44, May 25, 2014.

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    Hey, so i'm creating a SG Plugin for funz but i've come across this pain in the butt problem with stopping players from moving, with this current code I have it works, but the players are still able to sprint jump and move AND they can repeatedly jump and avoid being stopped at all! So here's my code atm:

    1. if (player.isOnGround()){
    2. player.setWalkSpeed(0);
    3. player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.JUMP, 9999999 * 20, 9999999 * 20));
    4. }

    If not for the player.isOnGround check, if the player was jumping when the jump effect was added to him, it would stop and spam the console with "player x moved too quickly!". So, is there a better, more easier way to do this without a PlayerMoveEvent ?
    GrandmaJam likes this.
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    Why not a PlayerMoveEvent? Seems the logical and easiest way to do this.
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    The way my class is set up, this piece of code is in a method which starts an arena with the players, this method is in my ArenaManager class. So I would prefer to not have my ArenaManager class be a listener
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    So create another class that wil designated to be listeners. Test for if players are in a starting arena and cancel the PlayerMoveEvent.
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    Nachoman44 you don't have to have it be a listener, make an external class that is a listener that will grab the ArenaManager, check if the game is running, and if not cancel movement.

    Gater12 you little ninja..
    Gater12 likes this.
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    It's not possible for me to have a method that checks for a starting arena, it's either an in-game arena or it's not :confused:
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    Then make it. You are in control of what you are making - in programming.
    You can post your ArenaManager class if you don't know a way to implement this.
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    My ArenaManager class is huge... and I don't see a way of making an arena "starting" without completely changing the whole thing :/
  9. Offline


    Instead of checking for starting, just check for if it's running or not.
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    How would that work? if I check if they're in a running arena and stop their movement if they are, they wouldn't be able to move for the entire game?
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    Check it how you want it to. if it's NOT running, then cancel the event.
  12. Offline


    Here's one way I could think up of: When an arena is starting have it in a global Set (Faster to work with Sets at this scenario). Have a scheduled to task to remove that Arena from the Set and "start the game". Have a PlayerMoveEvent listener to listen if a player is in an arena and that arena is in that Set. Cancel the event. $$PROFIT$$
  13. Offline


    This is confusing me, here's the process of what happens:
    - Players join a lobby.
    - Once lobby is full, a 30 second timer will start
    - When the timer is at 0, all players in the lobby are teleported into the map and stopped from moving &
    all chests in that arena are filled randomly
    - A 15 second timer will start
    - After the timer ends, all players will be able to move.
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    When lobby timer is 0. Designate the arena in some sort of state. Check for when player moves, if the arena is in the state -> Cancel event. When the timer reaches 0 remove the arena from that state.
  15. Offline


    BOOM, got it working! My only problem is the ugliness of the event being cancelled. Is it possible to enable camera rotation?
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