Heart Particle Effects

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by masterofsixpack, May 15, 2014.

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    How can I make a heart particle effect on an entity. I tried ParticleEffects.HEARTS, but for some reason that type of code doesn't work . Does it involve packets, how can I import it ?
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    Try EffectLib, that or ProtocolLib looks like the code you're trying to use, not sure which though.
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    Make sure you have your particles on, I've made a mistake like that before. Also you would just get the location of the entity in the world and then play the effects at that location.
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    @Kobating, that doesn't have the effect of hearts.

    @GianlocaPMC All of these libraries are great and work, but none of them can make the Heart effects on entities like chickens. NathanWolf

    @DarkBladee12 Ideas Mate?
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    The Fancy Whale

    Pretty sure they can make effects anywhere. The effect is usually just choose a location and play the effect. So just get the location of the chicken and play the effect.
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    @ The Fancy Whale I am not talking about the Bukkit Effects. I am talking about NMS. Hearts isnt accociated with the Bukkit API.
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