Fishing Rod and Lure

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by RonnSama, Apr 27, 2011.

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    Hey, is there any method's or anything concerning the lure on the fishing rod? Like is there way to track the location of the lure is pretty much what I"m asking. Knowing my luck I'll find something or another right after posting lol. I've read thru the source for Bukkit some on most of the Entitys Items and Player events and such and still cannot find anything that concerns the lure. Or will I have to kinda "mathmatically" figure it's path and location on my own?

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    I can't think of a way to get the entity off the top of my head, but if you can manage to figure out it's ID, you can get it's location at any time. Been a while since I've done any coding though.
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    Yeah I've figured that much as part, but I'm still trying to figure out how to grap the Lure's entity ID, unless I grab it from the players radius (within a block) during the interact event, and track it from there. Doesn't the lure spawn in the players Eye Location; Then does it's arc to wherever you aim it?

    Edit. Hrmmm... F3'd and cast the rod, the lure doesn't show an ID, but it does have one tho right?
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