Filled NoArea (DEV request)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by crazy_chikken98, Apr 27, 2014.

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    Suggested name: NoArea

    What I want: i need a plugin thats like a invinsible wall, you dont see it but cant go trough it, or you just make it like you cant go in there thats also fine.
    but i dont want it like areas (so no worldguard, worldboarder or worldedit) but like positions or something

    Ideas for commands: /NA create [name], /NA end, /NA addpos, /NA edit [name]

    When I'd like it by: whenever you want
    i would love to have it :D
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    Areas or positions?? What is the difference? WorldBoarder and WorldGuard do all of this, if you learn them.
    Evildude221 likes this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Negative jump potion will do the trick
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    Minecraft 1.8 will do the trick (with the new invisible block)
    Plo124 likes this.
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    crazy_chikken98 as blablubbabc said, the barrier block could do this (Didn't even think of that)

    Or just use the exit flag with world guard. Create a protection region around your area, and set the exit flag.
    (I'm aware you said no worldguard, but it's probably the fastest way)

    Good Luck =)
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    Ty Evildude221 no i dont want to create regions Cuz its not a square its more a thing with 20 corners so than i need to create more than 5 regions. This would be easier: setting a position every corner to create some invinsible wall. Get it? Anyway now i know from the barrierblock this topic is filled thx everyone for the reactions :)

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