HashMap size

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Koguro, Apr 26, 2014.

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    I'm planing to make a plugin that will require some large hashmaps of strings. I was just wondering, how large can a HashMap be before it becomes an issue for performance?
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    I do not think there is an maximum amount of variables in a map before there is going to be performance issues.
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    Actually there is, but it's very many. Hash codes gotta run out once, and when that happens, it's downhill from there. I don't think it would ever matter though.
  4. Offline


    Assuming the keys are evenly distributed among the possible positions, I doubt performance would be affected in any noticeable way even for a large amount of keys. However, you could always just try performing a test by inputting however many Strings you expect to be in your HashMap and see how long it takes to find any given key.
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