Solved Permissions for Paid Ranks

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by GhostBoy327, Mar 23, 2014.

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    Hello, I am currently making a prison server. I need help getting a plugin I can use that is compatible with group manager, or permissionsex if someone could teach me how to use it. What I need is a plugin that players can use to rank up by spending there money. When they rank up they will have new permissions, like /warp B when they are a B. Here is my group manager groups.yml: <----- this is for you guys converting into permissionsex if a paid ranks plugin needs it. Here is the ranks and costs I want:

    Extra Info: I use craftbukkit 1.7.2, I have vault, and this is my server.
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    you could use paidranks or prisonranks
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