Solved Invalid Plugin.YML

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Computer_20000, Mar 15, 2014.

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    Hi i'm trying to create a plugin that you can make a custom join message using commands, but i think i may set my Plugin.YML up wrong because i'm getting this error on my test server

    Server Error


    Does Anyone Know Whats Wrong?

    Thanks :)
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    name: CustomJoinMessagePublicVersion!
    version: 0.1
    description: You Can Change The Join Message Leave Message The Sound Using Commands!
    author: computer_20000
    main: me.computer_20000.plugins.customjoinmessagev2.Customjoinmessage
        description: List Of What You Can Modify!
    Try to use exactly that, and make sure everything is right.
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    Just to point out where you went wrong, instead of fixing it for you, you had:
    commands: /CJMM - List Of What You Can Modify!
    /CJMM message - Modify the Join Or Leave Message!
    at the end of your plugin.yml

    When the server reads the file to get the data it wants, it does it so by looking for 'headings' or 'identifiers' to find the information. if it wants to find the name of your plugin, it will go to the file and look for the field "name", so you had;
    name: CustomJoinMessagePublicVersion!
    so the server found the entry for name, which is separated from the value of the name by ": "

    In the case of the error, the server looked for the info supplied for your command, it found your command section, and found data under it, but no more headings, so it couldn't work out what the data was for, and then threw the error. If you look at the example above, it shows that the command itself is a sub heading, shown by the ":" and the indentation, then the information is also under headings so the server can find just what it's looking for. i hope this helped :)
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    Thanks That Worked! :)
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