Find X amount of blocks and activate command(s).

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by manky94, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Idea: Say I wanted to do it so if people found all 4 diamond blocks then it would activate a command. If they were to right-click one of the diamond blocks it would say Welldone, you have found 1/4 diamond blocks. Then if I found another it would say Welldone, you have found 2/4 diamond blocks. At the end it would say when you've found all diamond blocks it would say Welldone, you have found 4/4 diamond blocks. You have a reward of 15 diamonds.
    You would activate a command when you right-click the block which I will set using ServerSigns which lets me right-click blocks and activate multiple commands. When the user finds everything it will run a command.

    Commands and permissions:
    - /find add {Name/ID of hunt} | find.add | Adds a hunt (e.g. the diamond blocks)
    - /find addmessage {Name/ID of hunt} {Message - Can include {found} to show how many they've found.} | find.addmessage | Adds a message for when they find the item.
    - /find editmessage {Name/ID of hunt} {New message} | find.editmessage | Edits message from when they've found the item.
    - /find winmessage {Name/ID of hunt} {Win message - Can include {found} like in addmessage.} | find.winmessage | Adds win message
    - /find editwinmessage {Name/ID of hunt} {New win message} | find.editwinmessage | Edits win message.
    - /find addwincommand {Name/ID of hunt} {Command} | find.addwincommand | Adds win command (You can add more, it will create an ID of the command for easier use when editing or removing. It will say Added command to {Name/ID of hunt} with ID 1/2/3/4.)
    - /find editwincommand {Name/ID of hunt} {ID of command} {edited command} | find.editwincommand | Edits win command.
    - /find list | find.list | Lists hunts.
    - /find remove {ID/Name of hunt} | find.remove | Removes a hunt.
    - /find removemessage {ID/Name of hunt} | find.removemessage | Removes message from finding an item.
    - /find removewincommand {ID/Name of hunt} {ID of command} | find.removewincommand | Removes win command.
    - /find found {ID/Name of hunt} | find.found | Adds 1 to the total items found to the stated hunt.


    The commands can be edited in the config:


    {ID/Name of hunt}:
    - {Message, can use {found}}
    - {Win command}
    - {Another win command}


    Can it work with colour codes and add a pre-made hunt. Thank you :)

  2. Offline


    I will look into doing this.
    manky94 likes this.

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