Minigames Help!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by videogamemasta1, Feb 2, 2014.

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    I have skywars on my server and everything is fine except when players die by lava they keep their inventory but if they die by any other way they don't keep their inventory.
  2. Offline


    Do you have any plugins that let players keep their inventory if they die from lava?
  3. Offline


    What do you mean?
  4. Offline


    I see how this will have to be.

    Do you, Videogamemasta1, have a Bukkit plugin, on your Craftbukkit server, that gives the option, in the configuration file, to allow minecraft players, on your Craftbukkit server, to keep the items in their inventory, if their death is caused by lava?
    GlaswegianGamer likes this.
  5. Offline


    What plugins do you think would cause that? I have a lot of plugins


    Hi ! I'm having some issues with nbt tags within the give command. I tried @p and playername. I tested both on my client (1.7.2) and it works... Any problems with bukkit or is it a different way to do it on a bukkit server ?
  6. Offline


    Well.. If you had read what plugins do when you got them and installed them onto the server, you would probably know which plugins could do it..

    Please list your plugins and I can try and have a gander at this. :L
  7. Offline


    MultiWorld, GroupManager, WorldEdit, NoCheatPlus,
    FrameProtect, Buycraft, Vault, PlotMe, Multiverse-Core, uSkyBlock, Donate, Worl
    dGuard, Simple Suffix, TNTRun, SurvivalGames, PerWorldPlugins, VoteCommand, What
    IsIt, TimedMessages, LoginSecurity, Votifier, GAListener, DisposalSign, Cleanroo
    mGenerator, Essentials, CommandSigns, EssentialsProtect, EndSwear, BattleTracker
    , Multiverse-Portals, Multiverse-Inventories, Multiverse-NetherPortals, SimpleAl
    ias, EssentialsAntiBuild, SkyWars, EssentialsChat, BattleArena, ArenaPaintball

  8. Offline


    videogamemasta1 I can't see any plugins that involve inventories apart from Multiverse-Inventories. It might also be just down to your Skywars plugin. Check the config of that and if you see nothing about inventory keeping or anything like that. Contact the creator of the Skywars plugin.
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