How to allow players to set a specified # of homes with HomeSpawnPlus?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by football70500, Jan 6, 2014.

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    Well I need to know how to allow a certain group of players to set a specified # of homes with HomeSpawnPlus. I wondered if ther eis a permission for this because other servers can do this but I dont know what the perm is. thanks :D
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    Yes, just use the homeLimits config section in the config.yml file. Here is an example:

    # config.yml
        global: -1
        perWorld: 1
          permissions: [group.VIP]
          perWorld: 5
          permissions: [group.Member]
          perWorld: 3
    This sets up unlimited global homes and a limit of 1 home per world as the default case (new players, for example). Then it defines a perWorld limit of 5 for your VIP group and a limit of 3 for your Member group.

    Note that HSP works on permissions, not groups, so after setting this config up, you also need to modify your permissions to assign the permission 'group.VIP' to your VIP group. This may seem odd at first, but realize you could have called the 5-perWorld permission "hsp.limit.5" instead (make up any permission you like) and then assigned "hsp.limit.5" to your VIP group, and maybe you have 3 different tiers of VIP groups so you could re-use the same permission across all of them. HSP lets you manage it however you want, you aren't tied strictly to Permission groups.
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