How and where do I learn to code Bukkit?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by THELEGEND115, Jan 3, 2014.

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    So I want to code my own custom plugins that I will post on here, but there is one problem.

    I lack knowledge of how everything works and how I can do what I want to do...

    So that's why I am asking all of you smarties on here, how do I code bukkit? Or where do I learn?
  2. You should start by learning java, after that you can have a look at some youtube video's. There are lots of basic tutorials out there. Also have a look at the wiki.
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    Another good channel to lean Bukkit Plugins and other Java related coding is PogoStick29Dev (Who happens to be on the bukkit forums PogoStick29, he taught me pretty much everything I know)
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    Thanks :D
    AlexHH251997 likes this.
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    You do not code Bukkit. You code Java. Just to make sure things are clear THELEGEND115
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