WorldGuard Pvp Regions[HELP!]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Minecraft Galaxy, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. I have tried following tutorials but it hasn't been going well. This is what i did:

    1. Turned PvP to TRUE in my
    2. Typed /region flag __global__ pvp deny
    3. Made a region selection
    4. Typed /region define pvp NARWHALBOMB
    5. Typed /region flag pvp pvp allow
    6. Typed /region priority pvp 5

    What am i doing wrong? I do have GriefPrevention

    -Thnx in advance

  2. Offline


    Ok pvp allow and pvp deny dont work togehther
    Try /rg flag __global__ invincible allow
    Then /rg flag pvp invincible deny

    This means the global world will be pvp deny
    and pvp region will have pvp allow
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