Solved Giving effects and items to ALL mobs on the server!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SpongyBacon, Dec 30, 2013.

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    Hey Bukkit,
    So I need a bit of help giving effects and items to every mob on the server.

    Say I wanted to give every zombie on the server speed 1, and a diamond sword.
    Now I know how to spawn a zombie with speed 1, but I don't know how to modify the natural spawning system so it automatically gives all zombies speed 1 and a diamond sword.

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    Oh wow, didn't realise it was that simple! I'll give it a try and see what I can do!
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    event.getEntity().getEquipment().setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD));
    event.getEntity().addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEEDInteger.MAX_VALUE1));
  5. Offline


    I love you. (No homo)


    EDIT: Doesn't work, no errors.

    So this is what i've done:
    public class Main extends JavaPlugin{
        public void onEnable() {
        public void onDisable() {
        public boolean onCreatureSpawnEvent(CreatureSpawnEvent event){
          if(event.getEntityType() != EntityType.ZOMBIE){
            event.getEntity().getEquipment().setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD));
            event.getEntity().addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1));
        return false;
    Is that how you would do it? I've got no errors in eclipse, but I haven't tested it yet.
    Thanks for the help so far, i'm pretty new to bukkit.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  6. SpongyBacon
    Forgot to register your listener, ill help you on skype
    SpongyBacon likes this.
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    Thanks a billion! (Get it?)

    Well, this problem has been solved. Here's the final thing for those people who'll google this in the future!
    public class Main extends JavaPlugin implements Listener{
        public void onEnable() {
            getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
        public void onDisable() {
        public void onCreatureSpawnEvent(CreatureSpawnEvent event){
          if(event.getEntityType() == EntityType.ZOMBIE){
            event.getEntity().getEquipment().setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD));
            event.getEntity().addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1));

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
    OneBillionAndOne likes this.
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