Removing Extra Hearts

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by The Fancy Whale, Dec 12, 2013.

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    The Fancy Whale

    On my server we use a custom kit pvp plugin and of the kits gives you extra hearts. One player kept the hearts when he went to our survival world. Is there a command that will remove the extra hearts on the player? By the way /clear name effect doesnt work.

    elementalgodz11 Sorry I did not explain this well. I mean is there like an essentials command or built in command to reset hearts? Not in actual code

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    The Fancy Whale sorry not really, but you should request this in "plugin request" Just ask for a plugin the sets the health in each world. NO other way. ask for a plugin.yml file for configuration of the wolrd
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    The Fancy Whale

    Suyguy Well the problem is now fixed but I dont want to have to kill him to remove the effect. This bug is no longer existent for the plugin
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    W8 they patched the plugin already? WOW. But any ways good to hear everything got resolved. The Fancy Whale
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    The Fancy Whale

    Suyguy NO the issue wasn't resolved. My dev patched the bug so it wont happen again, but this one guy still has too many hearts
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    Awwww Well that's getting to be such a problem. get him to put all his stuff in a chest, and then delete him from the world that its the issue.

    /server/(world name)/player/(delete the specific player). makes sure he is offline when you do this and make sure the server is offline.

    This should resolve the issue. Also make sure you keep all his stuff some where. guard it or whatever. he will lose all things he has on him when this happens

    Attached Files:

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    The Fancy Whale

    Suyguy Yeah I was hoping to avoid doing that but I may have to. Thanks anyway
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    Run /effect <Player Name> HEALH_BOOST 0 if it's normal health, or /effect <Player Name> ABSORPTION 0 if the extra hearts are gold. The Fancy Whale
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    The Fancy Whale

    turqmelon Thanks! Ill try that next time the player is online and I will get back to you! Thanks
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