Solved Problem with crating a custom ChatEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MrVerece, Dec 7, 2013.

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    First of all I am not that experienced with bukkit, so please tell me if I understood the behavior of ChatEvents wrong :)
    For my plugin I want to edit the chat-messages that some player receive. My Listener checks for AsyncPlayerChatEvents and saves the message that has been send. If that message needs to be edited, I would cancel the original event and create my own ones so that I am able to kind of set the recipients per message.
    2. manager = plugin.getServer().getPluginManager();
    3. manager.registerEvents(this, plugin);
    5. AsyncPlayerChatEvent chatEvent = new AsyncPlayerChatEvent( false, event.getPlayer(), ("test"), event.getRecipients() );
    7. manager.callEvent(chatEvent);

    The Problem that I am having is that I can't get my own ChatEvent getting displayed in chat. The original event is cancelled successfully, but the new one does not appear anywhere. At the same time I don't get any errors, so I am asuming that the event has been created.
    Does anybody know where my mistake is?
    I can post more code if needed!
  2. Offline


    You can change the recipients without killing the event
  3. Offline


    How? there isnt any method like setRecipients(). And I need to send multiple messages to different recipients based on one chat event
  4. Offline


        public Set<Player> getRecipients() {
            return recipients;
    This is "SET" just add or remove anything you like from it.
  5. Offline


    Okay, I think I get what you mean :)
    But how about creating additional ChatEvents? I that even possible?
  6. Offline


    there is no additional chat events possible, only internal chat event is response to chat packet recieved from client by server.

    if you want to do something else, you must mod both client and server (like if you want to monitor chat open\chat closed)
  7. Offline


    okay thank you - I got my plugin to work now :)
  8. Offline


    You just can't change the message per-recipient, which I find incredibly annoying.
    ZeusAllMighty11 likes this.
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    Unless you kill the event ;)
    Garris0n likes this.
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    event.getRecipients().addAll(your list);
  11. Offline


    Mine works aswell
    1. Set<Player> recipients = event.getRecipients();
    2. //....
    3. for(Player p : recipients){
    4. if("p needs to be removed") recipients.remove(p);
    5. }
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