[REQUEST] Force Server Spawn

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by CraftPimp1, Dec 6, 2013.

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    Firstly, thank you for looking at my request.

    Here is my situation: I have 4 servers set up through Bungee and Bukkit. I have a Hub server, we can call it server #1. If I log into my hub and walk somewhere and log out, and then relog back in, I am in the place that I logged out at. I want to force players to spawn at my /setspawn point or my /mv setspawn point (they are both the same). Also, when a player rejoins the HUB they r standing in the portal that they left the HUB in. Sometimes they get teleported back through that same portal and I just want a simple plugin that will spawn players at my /setspawn or /mv setspawn point when they join my HUB.

    I have looked at several different plugins, and Yes I know that there is a BungeeSuiteSpawn that I could use, but anyone who has used it knows the problems with using it, and I do not want alot of other mess with it.

    I am currently running my hub from the spigot 1.7.2 hack protocol. I can update it to the official bukkit 1.7.2 dev build if necessary. If anyone could help me out with this, I would be eternally greatful. It just seems like I have to get some big "package" of mess that overrides this and that and interferes with other plugins, when what I want is extremely simple and light weight.

    Thanks again for reading my post! You coders ROCK!
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