Black Friday Minigame Idea

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TheSnoopyGuy, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Black Friday MiniGame Idea:

    What it is?: You use a map (preferably a mall or something like that) and in the mall there is a golden block floating in one of the stores, there are two teams, the security guards and the shoppers. the security guards try to kill the shoppers and keep them from getting the golden block and bringing it back to their "base". the security guards get full iron armor and a wood sword, whilst the shoppers get leather armor and a stone sword. Security guards will be randomly chosen from the lobby.

    Ratio: 12 Shoppers: 4 Security Guards

    Powerups (Shopper Killstreaks):
    - If a shopper goes on a
    - 3 Kill streak, bow and 8 arrows
    - 5 kill streak: sharpness 1 iron sword
    - 8 kill streak: flame 1, power 2 bow

    - bf.join (Permissions to join game)
    - bf.leave (Permissions to leave game)
    - bf.admin (Permissions to create and set spawns for the shoppers and security guards + set up the maps.

    - /bf join (Puts player in a lobby waiting for the required 16 players to start the game.
    - /bf leave (Leaves the lobby/game)
    - /bf create <arenaname> (Creates arena setup guide)
    - /bf setspawnSG (Sets guard spawn)
    - /bf setspawnSH (Sets shopper spawn)

    When I'd Like It by?: Anytime in the following weeks.

    Plugin Name: BlackFriday
  2. Offline



    I want to make this plugin for you, just send me a private message so we can discuss it further or send me an email: [email protected]


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