How to make non-admins be able to interact, but not break?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by GiraffeRaging, Nov 6, 2013.

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    Basically, I want to be able to choose where and where not one can build unless he/she has permissions to do so. Although, I also want to be able to choose an area that cannot be broken or interacted with other than the people who own this area or has permissions. Lastly, I want areas that cannot be broken at all, anywhere, unless Admin/OP, but everyone can interact with interactable items such as doors and chests, or attack mobs. If possible, I'd really like to be able to select areas where players can and cannot PvP.

    What plugin would be appropriate for this? I'm quite new to Bukkit, so I can't recognize what plugins people are using in their server.
  2. WorldGuard in combination with WorldEdit by sk89q can do this.

    Just setup regions.
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    Thanks! Could you by any chance give me a link to a tutorial for this?
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